Looks like such a fun map 5/5 cant wait to play it, very creative idea. Nice thread very nice description 5/5.
Hey im in CA to where are you at?
Looks pretty cool 4/5, good interlocking 5/5. Nice description, this also reminded me of reflex a tiny tiny bit.
Looks fun 4/5, i like the name kinda fun but fits the map. Looks well forged, and the br on the wall looks nice.
Hey looks like alot of fun 5/5, also gamplay looks fun 5/5. This could be a fun map for 2v2 good job. Also you should give a bigger description.
if you changed my name thanks alot :)
I Cry when i get infractions :(
Hey looks like a well done map 5/5 looks like alot of fun cant wait to play it.
You should get some pics there not hard and if you know how to get a drawing on then you can get pics on. Otherwise no one will download it like...
Looks well forged 3/5 but gamplay looks sad, sorry its just a circle with nothing in it. 1/5 for gamplay.
Cool i love SOTW check out my sig i think its pretty cool.
Hey i think that playlist would be awsome, nice thread i never knew about this. 5/5.
how do you make albums
Who ever changed my name back once again thanks alot!!!
please tell me
can you teach me how to use gimp?
Looks like a fun map 5/5, very well done interlocking i like the funnel in the middle :). Keep Forging!
I would rate this a 2-3/5 because its too plain not much too do :(
Noooooooooooooooooooooo i missed the first comment :( ... no one cares you got first comment sdrakulich
hey looks like a cool map nice interlocking some stuff laying around but very good 5/5 first comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!