Maybe later =] I'll see if I can find some decent renders =] Ummm, mehh?
Lol i never said I didn't like it. I do like it, I just found it quite egotistical to say he makes the best out of everyone that has a computer...
LOLOLOLOL WOW! You think you make some of the coolest grunge sigs in the internet... ("Might not be true"), umm yeah I would agree with the...
Well when I had to talk to MS support to send mine off I just told them exactly what was wrong, told them where I live etc. But try to like talk...
Lol uhh? A little more specific? Nah I'm not doing Halo sigs anymore =\ You can find Renders here if you want to use one of them =]
Yeah that's the only problem with an act like that. You see it once you don't need to see it again xD
Well umm isn't this really obvious? For example, say you name yourself "Master Chief" obviously that would be taken but as an example. Your GT is...
Wait wait wait Novak, you say the evidence that is present in this video that shows exactly how religion came about and how bullshit it truly is...
The tag has worked for every video site I have tried so far =]
Lol possibly, but how else can I limit requests? I hope so too, btw you decide what you want and I make it... Lol xD
Fixed the Wanted trailer =]
This has to be one of THE best fan videos EVER This is a MUST see
Sure Mr 93, what where you after?
____________ Movie Trailers All release dates are for Australia unless otherwise stated If you're wondering why I haven't added some other movies...
Yes the gay pride flag is a Rainbow =P Tex is a nub btw =D Lolz
What are you talking about... It's already been proven that this is false I completely agree, also with the Terminals, they're kinda ehh. Couldn't... If you haven't seen it, you have to. One of the most informative movies I have ever watched....
Nah I didn't make it, as you've noticed I went on a Halo image searching spree =P Just found it and thought I would share =]
Style? Effect? Faster Load time =P
[IMG] Shield World - Ascendant Justice Click Here to read the full blog. It is long but worth it. Do you really want to know what a...