Probably. I don't know if I'll have enough time though because I'm going to start a little later, because I need to do something special for some...
Never ever throw memorable pieces from your childhood away like that again man! You will regret it.
It's still in my fileshare. And you're welcome :)
I'm in Love With Halo - One Direction Parody - YouTube
Now that TCOJ is on hiatus, you should try to take their spot for the time being. They are a popular testing lobby on ForgeHub, and test maps with...
Even in 2 weeks from now? How long will you be gone then?
Hey, you should really submit this map in the submissions thread of BIOC! I really need to check it out, especially now that BIOC is back in...
How do you mean?
lol, AND my Brazilian friend here is a BIOC host. :P
What is this new.. I mean, old devilry? Looks cool, I'm normally not the biggest fan of these random casual games where you die a ton, but...
lol I noticed you posted your lobby 3 minutes before I did :P Did you get my xbox live message?
Hey, I put my map in my fileshare, so you can now download it. I'm also going to test it next Sunday, at 1pm EST, in a semi-BIOC lobby. (newer...
Awesome! Sure, we'll play your map. By the way you should befriend Redy. :)
That was a boss way to reply. Props man. Yet, I don't think you should've bashed the guy, since his map wasn't THAT bad at all. It's actually a...
If we don't succeed in filling the lobbies (which I don't expect but still) can we then merge our lobbies together? I'd like to see your linear...
I do custom games. I also do BIOC, which is about Infection custom games. So if you like Infection, I'd definitely check it out sometime!