My understanding from Bungie documentation is that if a hard safe boundary exists, then all safe boundaries become hard, even the soft ones....
343 would have to make up a new game type to support the game play flow you are describing. And I doubt they would see it worth the investment, as...
What you are talking about is way outside the scope of forge. This is where I bow out of the conversation...
Really? Put your map and a film clip of the problem on your fileshare and I can look at it for you. I could not possibly suggest what is...
This would only cloud the issue. The issue is why isn't it working as advertised. @wieselmand - Again, if you put the map on your fileshare and...
If you setup a kill zone, when the person falls through it, they will die instantly. If you use a soft kill zone, they are out of bounds only when...
It is the VOLUME of the object, not the object itself. If it is set to NONE, you won't see anything. If RADIUS, you will see a cylinder. If BOX,...
I did PM an admin, bs angel, but got no reply yet. I was asking if there would be a forum in the future to report bugs of this sort to get...
Ya, I would think you would want them to respawn at the beginning, but then that presents other problems...
Is opti-match where you present bugs to Bungie? I always went to JonnyOThan with specifics to get him to confirm or explain. He has done that for...
If you have any questions about how to setup CTF, you should consult the Awesome Guide's CTF section. But I am a bit confused. Are you using a...
I do two things to avoid this particular problem. 1. I may have multiple maps with the same name, but the description is always different between...
I would love for 343 to look at the community maps made all around and think of what each forger was trying to do by placing blocks here or there,...
I cannot say for sure, as I have no idea. From what you described, it could simply be that race was not well implemented at the engine level...
Can you give me a link to 343 where I should raise this issue?
Well, I tried a test and showed that blocks respect their labels. That lead me to think the problem was with Respawn Zones only. Then I thought...
Yes, the neutral Strong Zone was game type specific. It was not present (its' influence) on other team objective games. I plan to do more testing...
UPDATE: I found that this original characterization of the bug is inadequate. The problem appears to be that Stock Pile activates EVERY Strong...
thanks for sharing that...
Steps 1-3 are correct. Step 4-7 do not serve any purpose at all. Step 8 is meaningless in two regards. First, if steps 4-7 do not alter the block...