I just forged through your map and saw some immediate problems with the spawning. First, if I recall, over the blue base you had a weak red zone....
Neither feature exists today. You cannot "turn on" a Respawn Point or "enable" a Respawn Zone due to a territory state. And the bro spawning...
Try 200 hours of forging Flight Deck including its prototype before it. Staying up to 5AM, going to work the next morning, coming home at night to...
Ya, but what do you call competitive? Infection IMHO is competitive, because you score with kills, just like slayer. The only difference is that...
sometimes it gets in the gray zone for all of us...
That sounds like how it works now when you let it fall and come to rest, then change its physics to phased...
warehouse off to the side? garage with vehicles, delivery location? first aid station?
Refined - another word for raising the bar on forging the forerunner. Some of us forged through this map before you finished it and were...
I like the aesthetics quite a bit, though it seems lean on blocks (which is good for frame rate issues). I like the long boardwalk along the...
Nice map stevo... Like I said before, the forerunner architecture sets a new standard.. May I feature this map in an article later? Edited by...
Article on Coliseum walls that explains it in a straight forward way You don't get rid of it, you work with it to hide it.
infected is blue, humans are red. I would set all initial spawn points and respawn points to team assignments and not use any zones.
Interesting idea. I can see how you can make a number of variants with this idea and include some things like Scorpions to mix it up with the...
Actually, in one bomb, or one flag, assigning a respawn point to blue team will make that spawn point work with the blue team the first round and...
This raises another issue you need to consider. Not being able to pick up a weapon is counter intuitive and can cause some confusion. Confusion is...
The spawning for objective game types should always enforce the rule that a team can never spawn near the enemy objective or goal locations -...
The fact is that the blocks in FW are simply nothing like the ones from the original maps. I think you did a good job doing the side by side (or...
This is a very good question. If someone ever makes a great competitive map with a kill ball moving around and people love it, then the door is...
You know I never considered that... Thanks for point it out. I will dump my empty canvases that I collected from others... Edited by merge: I...