Have we not seen this exact screen a week or so ago? I remember two forgehubians getting into it over the originality cause there was a claim over...
You're kidding right? Maps get posted on a daily basis like this, and by the time you get to it you don't think there's been a 'N33dZ P!cz'...
Not saying this is bad, as I 1; wouldn't 2; have yet to see it, therefor you my friend need some pics to give us a rough idea. As for where you...
Yea I have absolutely no clue what can be done with the crane exactly but I have noticed something. On the crane the yellow flashing light, it...
lol nay, i was messin round on bungie.net with my service record pic and ended up with that. w.e yea ill send an FR later
sure, your name is epic
I agree, wanna be friends?
later losaa
either way I'm only explaining what he asked for, which could help anyone else who is constructing a floating map. The fact that there is a floor...
15 asshole, im a freshman, didn't we go over this -.-
woa.. what up with the selena competition. we all know she is lawful's
lmao what are you.. 12? douche ;D
stfu, im a short kid asshole. there are quite a few vertically-challenged people around here -.- i know shorter. mabie you should like add me
its in my contact info but w.e MySpace.com - www.myspace.com/401728152
this does look quite interesting, though you could probably flip the boxes you're using as walls to their side to give a less 'TRAUXUS' look,...
that's me, if you want it clearer check out my myspace. It's bigger in my pics.
I think what was being stated was that graffitti isn't a bad thing if presented properly. Use it as an art not a threat. Promoting drugs and gangs...
He asked for no reference, which I believe in turn would include the floor, as for the question I'm not quite sure though I believe when spawned...
Honestally people, he just mentioned it above; Anyways. I like the idea, it's new I mean probably something easy to come up with but still a fun...