sure, I don't mind.
Suggestions 1)Keep it on Asset V2 2)If you're making a new gametype, don't name it Asset V3 because people will get the wrong idea. 3)Get rid of...
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No, it's fine I understand the concept of this. You should have land markers or something to show that you're getting closer to the hornet pad.
Seems a bit confusing and hectic tbh, maybe have hog spawn at 4, then hornet at 5 or 6? This is just to avoid the hornet getting destroyed before...
Or... not have a grav lift at all, keep normal asset traits, and raise the destination just high enough for Vergil to reach when he's on the elephant.
Why would you need to raise the VIP's influence radius if you'll be in an elephant the whole time? Increasing the distance doesn't affect the...
I'd like to get a testing game on this. GT= rifte gifle Right now, from the pics and description it doesn't look like you need to make a spin...
Yes, the ODST does die and respawn. He can drive vehicles when he is in the VIP's proximity (30m)
Were you in a testing game with me before? I distinctly remember your name... Anyways, welcome to forgehub and enjoy your stay. btw... I like...
Yeah... if you're uploding videos for map threads I recommend youtube. The master list is just a complete list of all asset maps. I can get a pic...
so the hornet drops at 6 minutes? I`ll have to try this out then... I don`t recall ever seeing it drop at 6 minutes. Added to the master list....
[bungievid]video number here[bungievid] Be sure to put the dash at the end of the markup code.
I dont really mind if people make a spin off of Asset, so long as I get some credit for gametype and what not. Its like spin offs of conquest,...
Sure thing. Send me a FR
If it weren't for reach beta, I'd have already returned it. Good luck with this though. Asset guide has been redone.