sure thing
I can show you the rescue system I'm talking about. Add me on live if you want to see
wut ''
Ell3ment, can I ask you to release your asset map once GunnerGrunt has finished with his unmentionable thing for Asset and once he's got the...
Stealth and Tails didn't make the video... I just begged them to render the clips for me :P
There's already 2 or 3 in production on avalanche..
...hurry up.. >.>
so you gonna ask someone through visitor message now then? or must I link you?
let me google that for you
there is such a thing as visitor messages/PM's, right? Even for admins.
[IMG] This stays on your page till the thread name is fixed.
go to the forums index. Bottom of the page, it says who's online. Look for yellow red or blue people
for rich white pansies like yourself it's every day :D
...look at all the other asset maps including the map pack ones. None of them say anything except for Asset: Map name
Ask a mod or admin to change it. NOW. >:L
*FACEPALM WHY did you name it Asset map pack: instead of just Asset:
Gameplay Video YouTube- Asset: Premise by I6ExplodinCars Video made by rifte gifle. Thanks to Stealth9Sneaker and TailsIce for rendering!
merry christmast biatch.