I can help you with spawns and weapons or the more technical stuff if you want.
imo, your map is pretty much done. I don't really know what else I could do to it to make gameplay better. Except maybe give the bridge pillars or...
There are like 6 or 7 maps in the map pack, only 2 more need to be released. It's actually a good thing people make map packs, as it only creates...
If you met the team playing as the attackers, you'd understand why. Not really gave up, but rather decided to screw around. It wasn't a very good...
If you look at the title, it's fairly obvious I'm basing this off of Assassin's Creed. Well, this is an obstacle course map, and most of the jumps...
@#19 There's no hornet on orbital
There's a thread for discussion dammit! >:l To answer your question, Urban Myth has one going with a warthog ecape vehicle. The only escape...
That's because by the end of the video, the attackers basically gave up. After the door opens, you'd normally get swarmed instantly.
actually, imo I don't think there's any need for a **** load of action pics. Also, put the download links in the first post, it's very hard to...
no seriously, center the pictures. hurts my eyes to see.
I thought I told you to center everything >.> oh and say ASSET MAP PACK underneath the banner
Gameplay Video YouTube- Asset: Desert Highway by jakob hunter Made by rifte gifle. Thanks to RPAL for rendering!
No. Send me the writeup first before starting the thread.
hurry up... video is uploaded btw. Needs 10-15 mins for quality to be normal though
send me your write up for your map
you'll give me credit for fixing spawns, classes, weapons, reducing chance of warthog being destroyed, testing, ect right?
Thread not necessary... there's a thread for Asset discussion. Anyways, I know someone making an asset map with a door opening as the method of...
So I've done tons of testing on your map; I unblocked a couple guardians, added more weapons, deleted one of the banshees, and it's played pretty...
Invite me for testing whenever you need to. GT= rifte gifle