Capture them for me, Ill edit them, unless i get my capture card soon.
Okay guys, Get your submissions in, Voting Starts; Tomorrow At Noon EST.
A poser? you only use it because other people do? Thats like saying i only want to play halo because the pros do...
nou.. [IMG]
I dont think im gunna go to your channel, just because you have alot of spelling errors, nice kills and stuff though..
Why be a subscribe *****? what do you get out of subscribers? really..
Also, Dont lol at my bad BR at the end of the second one please :D
good, is it uhh, Ice, Chucks Sis, And umm Toochie?
****, why would you think that.
Ohshi- I'mma bust a nut.
Wait, why does he only have 3 toes? and 3 fingers, and NO THUMBS!
If your going to laugh at my Horrid spelling, then get the **** out of my thread. Assholes.
Normal, [IMG] Gradient map, [IMG] That wut it does.
I Cant really compare, put it in the OP, also, what did you change?
Agreed. Requesting title change to Super Cute Females NOT. Official Chat Thread.
I Heard Your A Theory From The Right Side, I'm From The Left. /gangsterr
The text isnt that great, and great depth, unless the squares up close are just LQ. But yeah, change the trxt, the green doesnt go well with the...