take the bday out your post, whenever i see it, i get sad cause its over ):
Lmfaoo nice.
Its collage humor
Some spots that are a bit off, but oberall a great guide, shouldnt this be in halo disscussion, not forge?
He accualy went to court in his pajama's. i just seen that.
Ahhh, I see what u did thar,
Thanks, i was going for the layered or textured sort of effect, a gimp styled EGP sig..
This is the **** we all feel sorry for. YouTube - Jackson dangles baby out window
[IMG] ? again, deleted, not redoing, older, just for your pleaseure, no ****...
its a stock, and i delete the acual file, and this is one my my older ones, when i first started, i just wanted to give you something to do.
must be because of my small mouth.
Thanks, And, when they came in, did your teeth go a bit crooked? ever since my last set of molers have come in, my bottom teeth have gotten a...
[IMG] ? forget about the text, i know thats bad, cnc the picture,
Also, wtf's /b/ ?
Sweet. I think its because my mouth isnt large, and my wisdom teeth are sprouting, like,growing in my gum, and pushing my one too, and ripping the...
Anywho, Know that cut i was telling you about, the one in my mouth that wont stop hurting? well it stopped, and then my gum split again and i...
i just got pwnt..
i got a triple splater while naded on a goose. and a kiltrocity in a warthog turret