Can iGet a name change to "Doni iZ LURKN
Raynne, in your video, he said the only evidence that he is a good person is that he donated, thats the only thing that guy has to back his story up.
Please dont spam..
Donii IZ LURKN ??
Exactly, he shouldn't be only respected because of his great music, what has he done to earn respect? close for now please?
thanks guys... great cnc. its just the way i type? i do capitalize random things some times... i dont see why what i type in a thread has...
If your online can you remind to to post voting in 2 1/2 hours?
Exactly, Why do we care about him so much? a day before, another older celebrity died, and everyone was all sadface, now mj dies a day after,...
I kind of agree with the quote i just put.
YouTube - Michael Jackson Baby Dangling
Well, Debate on whether you think he was a good or bad person. Give evidence, dont just say, "he raped kids he should die" Please. Ill start of...
yes it was, if you didnt read the comments already.
I liked his music, not the way he acted though.
mm, the second one is even sexier.
A rule is a rule. a chain is going to happen if i make any exceptions.
Different?, he's fkin ****ed .
idk. im pretty fast.
the post in the how well known thing.