"World exclusive details straight from Bungie" ? Yet we get the info from Game Informer... kind of defeats claim of "straight from Bungie",...
I think some times the ground changing is more noticeable than others. Once I played a game and the grass seemed to change really quickly. That...
I love that train idea, I always wanted to do something like that bit could never really work out the best way of doing it. I've downloaded it,...
A bit of info for you, and a bit more than just a 'tiny corner article'. I suppose it's going to be a while before Gearbox announces anything....
Nope, there are already lots of hiding places. Besides, if you actually put hiding places on a map then they're not really hiding places. Players...
I find the MLG one pretty good for getting the map geometry done but I do sometimes wish it had things like fence walls and fence boxes. This...
Why purple? Its so much harder to read on a black background! But that is a useful tutorial, I've never managed to merge walls at an angle...
Does that work? If you delete all objective points then the game will just add in the maps default ones. That's why on the Foundry canvas, things...
That's fine then. Before the wave of people admitted to getting this to work it was just you, that is why I was having doubts. But seeing as this...
Oh, I see! The problem is not that you didn't read the whole thing. The problem is you didn't bother to read it at all!
OMG! They liek st00pid Bungie! [spoiler]
Lets not get rude. I, as well as many others I assume, think your claim is 'BS', as you so nicely put it. All you have told us is that you have...
You don't have to try something to doubt it. People doubt God before trying religion. When did you create the Xbox Live account? Every new...
Out of all the Spartans, Master Chief is the only one which hasn't been reported MIA. Plus it sounds cool and makes MC more of a unique character....
Did you use the search feature on Bnet?
Which is why Bungie has put Team Slayer and Team Objective into matchmaking as two separate playlists.
Duckyz, don't go on about people spelling assassin wrong and then type a message with far worse spelling mistakes. Frag Man, I think you missed...
A glitch? I'm guessing that's just an in-game glitch, not a 'free xbox live' glitch. What account was it? Can you tell us the gamertag? Show us...
So it's sort of like a secret juggernaut? I tried doing that but I found it wouldn't work because everyone is told who the new juggernauts.
OOoo, that's interesting. Hope something comes out of this, unlike the Secret on Sandtrap.