LOL ok my bad..........Yeah I think the update will show many improvements and some goodies for the fans hopefully a release date for new maps or...
Yeah look it up on youtube its a girraffee that falls in a quick sand pit and he goes through all the emoitional stages its ver funny. :)
If you start with a BR you would be dominated at close range or people would complain about spawn rape because the BRs range is to great. Also the...
Really I thought it was like game fly I might have to check it out now thanks for clearing thaty up I was completely off lol. ; ]
Its been proven a level 50 rank can be reached in 20 games theres a specific way you can do it by playing with higher ranked players and wining 20...
The AR is a starting weapon that gives a player a fighting chance and yes the BR takes more skill to use but the AR still takes skill because both...
If its true I will love to fight with a squad of marines in a swamp styled battle like the swamp story map in Halo 1 called 343 Guilty spark...
If I wanted to find those secret spots all I would need to do is check their recent games and look at how the game went down or I could just watch...
This is sure to help players rank up easier if they are having trouble understanding the gameplay. If all else fails and they are still having...
Just like a video game rental thing through the mail its cool if you don't want to buy a game and you just want to try it out.
I think I'll be able to get some cool arcade games out of this. That battle tanks game looks nice : ]
Thank god you don't have control over the matchmaking playlists other wise everything would be dull and basicaly not fun. The AR is a starting...
My gamertag is my User name and every one thats some what good can out smart the HGL players tactics seeing as most of them aren't even at the...
Oh god Painoes are my arch ememy! 0_0
I love the robot chicken referance you just made I loved the girraffee thats in quick sand skit :D!
Yes its quite wierd I have to communicate in "mime" I always get stuck in thoughs invisible boxes though!
Ive seen worse brought to school but a strip search really is that nessesary? Especial for asprin which won't kill you in a small dose I would...
None of them look very intimidating [ 3 colonels and a captain grade 2]I could pull out some legit 5 star generals that don't hide and that would...
Yes it would new maps,armor types,vehicles,weapons,equipments,ect!
I've Helped two of my friends to their 50s I could deffinatly haddle myself against people who hide thats why grenades were invented. I have never...