This is the map posting template please read it and fix your post.
I'm happy that Host won't be a problem also the chainsaw isn't a 50/50 coin toss anymore :). I hated GOW 1 for those reasons but GOW 2 is...
This looks real nice I like the half pipes the most about this map :)
I like the structures in picture 1 and 4 the most. The map is very well thought out and forged good work.
Kinda seems more like an asethetic map than a competitive map. Also you don't see the needler or fuel rod gun in most competitive maps.
He was [oWNo Cassidy] I have no idea he was going to make a forge hub account. He was with me when I was building my section then you and OM3GA...
Thank you for posting these + rep. : ]
I'm going to send major Hate mail to Micro$oft for postponing this announcement! All of is PISSED!
Agree its to dark I can't see crap. You should make things shadded lighter around the main objects in the pictures so you focus on the pic.
Yeah its just anouther blind skull but its cool that they put so many easter eggs in the campain. I'm surprized there was no super weapons though...
LOL thats what happened in the early stages of the map before I added the 90 second auto release. I lost a few people from my games because of...
Yes I just got that And it made me very unhappy. It must be a HLG member since he didn't sign his/her name! LOL they hide even while giving neg...
The 360 is more successful though than the PS3 and the Nintendo Wii this first year of the next gen thats what I mean by dominance over the PS3....
I think the avatars are the stupidest things I've seen why is the XBOX 360 trying to be the Nitendo Wii ? I like the other add ons though like the...
Watch this this video is the best Halo 2 video I have ever seen
I've seen that peaches and cream video before but it was still funny and I'll work on it next week when I get a new xbox and I will need your help...
Hey are we still working on the Bunny Bunny foo foo map? I'll do it if you don't want to.
Yeah I thought it was funny I'm like "WTF that **** I'll show him by giving him + rep that will really mess with his head!" lol yeah its was epic...
I'm giving you + rep for giving me Neg rep! LOLOLOL Damn you -_- Heres the link to the robot chicken skit.