Yeah the last one is pretty epic.if I made one for myself it would just be blank :[. Damn I miss those eye things I used to have lol.
As long as they are happy its ok with me but thats pretty damn funny and redneck like to get married in a parking lot! lol Oh well thats there choice.
The third one is easier on the eyes font wiseand icon size but I like first one too it has a cool smoky appearance to it.
I wounder how everything will be now that teams are mixed up. :] I think its a good thing teams should always cycle players otherwise strategies...
Ok If you want I can send you the pic again if you no longer have it.
Look at this link to see how to fix your post to meet the standards .Also welcome to forge hub!...
Hey lockdown if you have some free time can you edit my sig so the marine is more visable and less blurry? If you can that'll be great and I'll...
Looks realy nice I wish you made the sige larger so you could use more of that "end all war" pic but Sig space is valuable and it still looks...
Just let him, finish the post if he hasn't or have a mod deal with it by locking it so lets stop posting in this thread and just use the report...
Time consuming but this is better than always having to have the colorblind filter on . :]
I have I normal white controller but with an army green skin that you wrap on the controller. They have a rubbery feel to them they help with grip...
Yeah I thought he made some places from the jackass movies. lol I can't really see the map either it just looks like a few double boxes put...
Theres some nice symetrical maps in your map these look great for objective games. I like the cool shapes you gave to your maps. :]
I think the Halo 3 related stuff might include matchmaking updates playlist update or even new info on the next map pack. I still want an...
Looks better than CS and its one of the only good things I've seen happening for the PC in a while.
Its different but looks kind of like a deppressed version of team fortress. lol ; ]
I think you have a few to many weapons in the downed carrier. Mabey you should use the drop pods to spread weapon around the map.
Congrats on the map being featured I'll see you online in a few weeks when I get my xbox repaired. : ]
Yeah forge hub has tournoments every so often the newest one is as roche said a 2v2 tourney.
Halo 3 is the game hardcore gamers all come back to. People play other games for a while [Gears of War 2,Mercenaries2,ect.....] Then we all come...