A survival mode which had 10,000 votes for it but Wasn't included in Halo 3! It was based on the idea that you fight allong side 4 of your friends...
The only orriginal or cool sounding names up there are Nazareth ,Barrow down ,and Arrowhead the rest are alredy in use or are to similar to...
Same the mission Covenant has every style of fighting ranging from infantry to vehicle and all close and far ranged fights. I rank this mission up...
Looks very rough and the track items look very hard to follow. I think people will get lost very easily it could use some work.
Whats keeping the humans from not just leaving the bridge?. You should make this an king of the hill game where the humans have to cross or stay...
The armory is way to overstoked you could hold off an army from all that. You need think this out better because the attacking team is never...
It says that the room has carbines but I didn't see him holding any starting weapon in the pics. There are five current modded gametypes that are...
I would like to say don't post modded content on the forums SWAT Carbines is a modded gametype as that carbines are not allowed to be a starting...
[IMG] <Heres the orriginal image for the group : ]
I have a sense that most of these things are from Sony fanboys that are mad at the 360's success and dominance over this next gen console war. As...
Hey lockdown since all the mini mod sigs dissapeared when kayaman left can you make a new one? It can be the same logo but smaller than the old...
Some already released RPGs like Mass effect ,GTA IV,ect but there are new ones like Mirrors edge that will be nice. : ]
Thats kind of cool Its a nice cutscene glitch a similar one could happen at the end of Halo 2 where eliets and brutes could still be fighting...
Next time I get online/when I buy a new 360 I'll show you some maps made by some of our members that you have probably never seen. I'll see you...
Yeah I can't wait for Americans new map pack to bad hes waiting to put up his new website to release the maps. I previewed a few of the maps and...
Lets hope they make a large outdoor forging level that has flat ground with a large pallet of new and old items that have textures that match the...
1.Shock Theta because he has made a great variety of good playable maps such as foundation which is my personal favorite from him,its great for...
My favorite character is probably Dwayne and his back up he sends you : ] Hes just a hardass trying to gain power again.
I'm A senior Member now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought the same thing hes going to get crap from people for naming his map after a deadly dissease. Not a good move but I do like that he...