This should be locked and I think Rickrolling is against some of the rules or at least it should be. Its not funny ....... Grow up. We aren't 10...
You should have this moved to the asethetic section because this map is not playable and is for only looks.
I think you could of posted this in the mini game section but your new and you'll find your way around forge hub soon enough. Welcome to forge hub...
The human spawn has an Eliet in it!!!!!!!!!!!! But on a serious note the map is nothing new. It looks like anouther house map but this one is just...
This is filled with dry humor, when I read this all I could think of is Stewie from family guy narrating this article in a british acsent. ; ]
I think if you gave us an overhead blueprint or sketch of the map I would be able to tell what the layout of the map is. It looks symetrical but I...
Yeah seems like he wanted it to look rough like rocks I don't think people will like it if the hadn't played the original level some parts seem...
My name and gamertag is Eyeless Sid I'm pretty sure I'm a maggot! A "maggot" is a Slipknot fan if someone doesn't know }:]> "Eyeless" Is one of...
Seems allot like the older map called fish bowl and you should add anouther goal other than surviving mabey make it a oddball/assault gametype. I...
It has some good parts to it probably the best are the zombie release design I wish you had made it longer than 10 seconds but oh well. and the...
Looks ok Very abstract but it has a nice colorblind and colorfull aspect to it . : ]
Only bring FH people thats why its a community game after all. The Mini Mods never got to play the mods because of communication problems last...
Good work Paulie I remember playtesting this with you before you posted it. The map plays great for a nice variety of gametypes hope people enjoy...
Yeah I was about to say the same thing you have to resize the image not the file size.
I'm not to worried about this I already stopped playing match making but I f I get back in to it and want to rank up 5 little levels so I'm a 50...
Any entry will be looked at and if we like it well give + rep to the creator and we'll give you happy face : ]
Your name is the name of a modding website so make a sig that has something like L337 Haxor or the founders of the foresty valhallah or even just...
I'm not very good at making sigs yet I'm still working on it I need to smooth out my sig it looks a little pixelated. : [
Suck it up my friend is trhe one who should be pissed. He gets his account hacked and Microsoft cancels the account and deletes it with out asking...
I'm moving to Russia! Things are looking bright there now that the law makes everybody have to be happy! They gave new meaning to the quote "Why...