Well this is true untill Bungies new project is revealed to the public. Posibly a Halo based tactical shooter?
I've seen that before a few times but I like that you collored it it makes it more eye pleasing than just the black and white.
Buy a seg-way too keep up then it helped me out jkjkj: ] I want to see if this will actualy help out agging processes in internal organs so it can...
Poor ugly asian girl! ; [ I feel bad for her but china wants them selves to look good , its wrong though but its their choice to do this.
I think this could be put in thje aesthetic map section instead of minigames. I say this because I can't see the rest of the map.
I think it brings out their eyes but it looks very strange almost cat like. I'm not sure I like that. : /
Thanks this graveyard idea that Jester made is very good it even seems that lately people have tried to immitate the grave yard theme but havent...
Yeah I wear tan and brown armor on sandtrap and it always seems funyy to see enemies walk right past me with out noticing me I have to say yes...
Good map the longest my teams lasted on the map was up to 2:00 mins remaining then the flares and deployable covers gave the purple monsters the...
I think its good as a garrage switch I was getting sick of seeing just dumpster switches.
I think the cave is one of the best features of this map its place well enouch that its even dark in the cave as well it looks real nice. Also...
I rememmber playing infection and CTF on this map and the only problems with infection was that there was lots of spawn killing but CTf worked...
You also could add a story or adescription to the map so people know what to exspect from playing it. All I know is that its a zombie map with...
Some areas of the map look very sloppy and yes the weapons list should be edited so the zombies at least have a chance to fight back. Nothing...
I agree that armories really affect game play thats why its smart to spread weapons all over the map not just att a spawn.
Agreed he like messages about it especialy when you tell all your friends to message him as well .
The only RPGs I got into really were GTAIV and Mass Effect the rest just seemed dull and boring. I can't really play Oblivion that long with out...
Some parts look very quickly thrown together and sloppy. Take more time on the bases so they look nice I'll look at the game type and see if thats...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwBK31tC5QM Sorry I'm having issues posting it.
This video is funny even if its been out for a while. Nice to see that others have seen this video.