hello and welcome to forgehub. if you have any questions, please send a message to me. to do this, click on my name. for even more help, join this...
did you do it?
lol, this is hilarious. nice job. +rep for you
ya, the first looks cool. but the second one is weird. usually a map pack has 3 maps, but whatever, nice job
if you can't get it now, i'll have to go step by step with you
ok listen carefully. go to bnet, and find the pics you want, and save them to your computer, now, go to www.imageshack.us and click browse. find...
ya long lost twins, i can't beleive i found you sob,sob,sob,sob,sob jk
thanks i did, ps our bdays are only 1 day away
sounds cool, but no pics. if you give me a link to your screenshots on bnet, i can put them up for you. but you should learn
you should look at this group. if you have any questions, just ask me or go here.
cool map, if you had flipped the bridges, it would have been that much better. still, nice. 4/5
thanks, on the subject, is there anyway we can advertise this. just another way for trainees to learn
you should also check out this new group, it will also help with yor questions. group
hello and welcome to forgehub. if you have any questions, please send a message to me. to do this, click on my name. and again. welcome to forgehub
aparently its your birthday
you gave me good rep, and all of a sudden i'm up by like 24. did you do that, ps thanks
seriously though, you should learn how to embed pics, i'll take you through step by step if you want.