hello and welcome to forgehub. if you have any questions, please send a message to me. to do this, click on my name. also you should check out...
go here to learn how to embed pics. if you ever need help just send me a message
mason your an idiot, read the post before you, i'll help you set up your map, if you give me a link to your fileshare and the map name. also take...
at this rate, you don't have to worry about that. i havce told you on 3 of your maps that i would put the pics on for you, if you simply made the...
the vent is better than this. but I assume you don't know about that so good job. 3/5
nice map, better then mine, i must say. but they don't use rockets and snipes on foundry, sry
you did this on another map of yours. i'll embed pics for you, if you take them, and give me the link to your bnet screenshots.
don't double post, and i guess theres no point in puting pics on now, becuase noone will ever see this map again
check my sig. look at the trainee thread. i want you to join, and help people out, and tell people about it.
then take some. this thread will be closed in24hrs unless you do. its not up to me. once you have some pm me and i'll tell you how to do it.
first trainee today to post right, congrats. about the map. from the looks of it, theres no interlocking, which is bad. most basic maps on...
you should learn how to embed pics before you post go here to learn how.