Yeah, sorry I can't be of much help. Out of curiosity, what do you need?
They are supposed to, but no; not yet.
Magic or magic resistance? I'll give you both! If you want the most magic, go "Master Robes of (insert magic-tree here)" and "Diadem of the...
It hasn't even been on the forums for half that time Organite, he spent nearly a year working on it.
Lawl, voted for the wrong one. Wish I could change it without invalidating the integrity of the poll, but it would show that it was edited and I...
[IMG] Its fine in the post, adds a spice of humor to chris' otherwise boring drone! ;) Yes, we do plan to feature that if it ever gets...
Lmao, lern2transmutate
Lolololl, i remember testing this for the Forgetacular dealio, ages ago.
Turn off Toggle, and then start playing. Lol. Same way you adjust to a different button layout or sensitivity: practice! Pinho, urdumb
Toggle is for people who cant hold down the thumbstick and aim at the same time. Hold2Crouch is actually faster too, because it activates once...
[spoiler] EDIT: Oh, you already know all that...? [IMG]
True, but its obnoxious in every possible manner.
Well, I think shad0w said something about someone rofldeleting everything that he made, so blame him. I could be making that up and not remember,...
I'd bet that Bows was psychologically held back by the limitations prevalent in a large map, and so didn't take advantage of the new horizons...
Y'know, I completely agree with you on every point. Wasn't insulting you, just attempting to clarify what you said (my epic spoiler'd example was...
I am Pink Floyd without the Floyd! I need my wall!!!! Anyway, not a whole lot. Just busy here writing articles, moderating idiots,...
Look at previous TES games: Morrowind: Set on island of Morrowind. Dunmer are the dominant race. -Bloodmoon, set place on the island of...
I dont know what I am gonna do :(
Lets not do stuff like the previous page. Specifically aimed towards people bitching in a map thread, insulting a map that isn't part of the...