Hey, totally missed your birthday cus I was busy sleeping for ten million hours, so I wanted to wish you a belated one instead ;p Hope it was a...
Same with my wife, whom we will pretend exists solely for the purpose of this joke.
Woot! Partial satisfaction! Partial Success! hehe he, he.
I plan on getting it for the first time soonish, whenever I get around to finishing AC:R.
It is definitely lolworthy. And I totally found out that my iphone DOES change the buttons; they look sooo much cooler on safari
I don't use it often, but they all have things they are better at. But I mostly just in case I stumble upon a problem or site that requires the...
Iphone default browser; I use chrome on my computer. I do, however, have both Safari and Firefox at the ready, as well as the default IE. Why?
Uh, cus its been so long that i forgot lol. If its not fixed by the time i get home, ill do it then
What thread?
I probably shoulda given some props to BT, since even the map creators couldn't help me out with the pixorz, but this works I guess. *hands BT...
[IMG] [IMG] Battleships Created by: Spawn of Saltine & NlBBS Required Gametype: HIT! Players: 4-16 All hands, man your battle stations! This...
Lern2irony My pointing the finger at their finger-pointing, calling them out for calling us out, was just as lolsome. Disregard facts, aquire humor.
Actually 24-21, cus I finally took the time to fix my own vote. I decided I didn't care if someone raged.
You left out the hyphen, so we can't figure out which is the correct answer.
The old one had every author listed. Every, single, one.
value value I think that if you were doing it by maps that would be fine, but since you are organizing by forger, you need to include...
What else would make it better is the rest of the features (for example, Shad0w Viper has two, yet no entry) and some pro to take the time to...
lmao, so Tz didn't realize that the hub had been put on hiatus, did he?