This looks awesome! I'll download it and try it out.
I was going to put a blue flame or a hazy effect but then it would be obvious I'd edited it from the start.
I was thinking of posting this in Gaming Discussion but its a video so I guess it goes here. I've been working on it for a while. Here it is, the...
It would completely change forgery if it were possible. You make maps entirely from open boxes, or fence walls! At the moment I doubt it can be done.
Are you being serious? I always thought was something to do with getting rid of bugs in game but that you'd need some extra software on the 360.
Can you tell me how smooth you think the boxes are? I kept redoing a few of them but little bumps get popping up,
Ditch Created by David White Supported Gametypes: Capture the Flag Slayer Oddball Territories Assault King of the Hill When I started this map...
Cool, thanks very much.
I like the way you made it look good, the positioning of the scenery and things like that.
The dumpster acts as the actual gate. When the gate is 'locked' the dumpster just blocks a door way and the first gravlift is facing a wall as a...
Link is fixed and the video has been uploaded.
Access Grant Created by David White "You are not permitted to access this sector. Please try again later or contact the staff on duty."...
That is mostly how it works. I think Pallet Parade has one of the best forge switches I've seen in a map. I've seen many switches in tests people...
Sigh, if only. It would make Assault games awesome! Plant the bomb and the entire vehicle blows up!
A bump to tell you that I've tried it. I've tried overloading Avalanche using the magical pile of equipment. The good news is, it can be done....
Lake Dead Created by David White Supported Gametypes: Infection - River Dwellers Lake Dead, not that good a name but it describes the map well,...
Did Bungie actually use in-game forge to create the default Foundry? I would have thought they'd use their own version of forge, with their own...
I'll download it because I mostly want a better view of what you've done outside the map. Edit: I didn't like it. I know you made it when the...
Ah, I see. It would appear you don't actually know what an image is. This ->...
LOlz, you didn't read the first post