Hahahah ... legend. I never get the chance these days ... I've seen you online once, but I was literally leaving as you came online. Fail is what...
Awesome ... sounds good.
How goes the ForgeHub theme? I reckon that the 'locked' symbol you have next to the monitor should be light with a dark outline. You can't really...
I've stuck a comment on AceOfSpades permanent record saying he was a douche .. and locked the thread.
I agree with Squid here. Those of you who were harsh should be really ashamed ... consider it a strike against your personality on your permanent...
and how go yours?
I've had a breakthrough ... on the comic front. Thought of a more viable plot premise ... I'll have to catch you on teh skypez0rz so there can be...
Two new cars, biatch? Needs more Ty ... and more XBox live.
I seriously nearly wee'd a bit when I was watching that. I know its only an FMV ... but its soooooooo well done.
Just go here: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/groups/ Then either search for a Writing Group .. or just create a new one ...
done ...
That's pretty epic ... I can only sit and hope that they make another Crackdown. No matter what anyone says, it's one of the top 5 games you can...
TBH, you coulda tried just changing the black text to an off-white.
Lock due to incompetence.
To me, your biggest problem is the texture. It makes the text hard to read.
Once you have learned how to post screenshots, send me a PM and i will delete this thread for you, then you may re-post a new shiny thread full of...
I can haz TexturedSun back, plz?
ahahahah ... 'metalcore' ... aahahahaha That's the best laugh i've had all day.
Also, thread needs more Tool and Primus.
Yeah ... you don't like cheese, so I don't like you.