I dunno, looking at some of the stuff in Avalanche and Ghost town, I think they have a legit chance of being used more than the other nonFoundries
Yay! you made it better! I shall give Round Two a download, and will get back with feedback. By the way, it's almost as pathetic that I...
For most of this, TL;DR. Cept Mallet, and the first post. In my opinion, Interlocking will always be the gold standard of useful forge...
Yeah, for the VIP thing, the assassins score by killing anyone, but more points for the VIP. In my playtests, both teams won some of the time, so...
Lok, I have more posts than everyone else in the thread so far combined, And I think the map looks very nice. I like clean lines, you obviously...
Well, I've gotten EXTREMELY lazy, too lazy to forge in fact, partly due to the fail at the money glitch in my map, which I am far too lazy to...
Follow insane's advice. It's just the neutral bomb spawn. It probably doesn't have anything on it unless your playing neutral aslt, but it is...
At the expense of sounding like an ass, what the hell do you think you are doing? This is the third IDENTICAL thread, so far as I can tell,...
Unfortunately, you get a double yes to your questions. You need separate start points and areas for each specific gametype.
Well, I checked out the map, and I like the concept really well, but the execution is a little fail. But not for too many reasons. 1: I got out...
Me, insane G043R, and another guy just played some classic slayer on this map, it was very nice. The elevated location was a real control point,...
This is a very nice map. I was playing with a few other guys, I changed the rules to an approximation of Halo 1 rules, with the Custom powerup as...
Bolt, I like it just the way it is. If you set up a KOTH area, it would be a lot of fun. Put a hill in the "deep end," "shallow end," and the...
Well, this map LOOKS very good. I'll give you that. But, unfortunately, it doesn't play as good as it looks. I can't really put my finger on it,...
Well, shihuru. Here you go. Pit Theta Rho is interlock free, while almost the same to pit Omega Beta. The weapons are different, but even if the...
If your doing it with 8-10 people per party, use Triplex. http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=18265709...
This looks very, very nice. I've thought about the overturned warthog idea before, but the way you did it makes it look very nice. I'll be back...
<3 Stargate. I'ma download this one, check how it plays. I thought this might belong in Aesthetic, but it looks like much more than just the gate....
Shihuru, I have a map which is interlocked, and another map which has almost no interlocking. If you would like, I'll put the bad version on my...
Well, I generally don't know if a map is interlocked before I check it, but non-interlocked maps have caught my attention before when perusing,...