Oh yeah! I joined your game once and you were building this and you were like BLAM boot and then I looked at it by myself and it looked...
I totally messed up but still [IMG]
Oh mah gawd! I saw a guy with a shirt that had your avatar on it
Hai guy. Haven't said hi in awhile and wonderin what your next big project is =]
Who calls it second hour? Here in Florida its called second period
inorite??? No!!! YOu left me to shovel the elements! =[
Done with mine =p
And that is why you are a sinner. I can admit some of Slipknot's music is meh but ? is a very strong word my young padawan. But I...
Your name doesn't fit with grey
I would show you but I over sharpened it =[
I have to shovel sunshine... Trust me, shoveling the elements, ftl.
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/off-topic/7031-how-well-known-user-above-you-750.html RATE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
Well its like 76 over here =[
Oh hai thar mister gai at school
First of all I really like this sig. What I don't like though is the yellow coming out of her eye? That is rather disctracting. Other than...
I went to one of their concerts earlier this year except Slipknot, Underoath, Dragonforce, and Mastadon were there as well. I usually don't prefer...
Lol d00d I am much better than you at GIMp
I really can't think of anything Frag.... But.... I have some CnC needed for this entry I made for an LD SOTW.... [IMG]
And I r making paramore sig! XD
Well I am on "holiday" now n00b XXD