nowai.... Rofl we watch together??? I got the Wireless adapter so I can be on like all the time now cuz I don't have to move my xbox.... Merry...
Hey guy... I can't have your sig done for another week if thats okay... I am busy since its christmas and all... Sorry for any inconvenience
Why thank you good sir. What would be even more epic is you making a super l33t christmas map. Btw, Nice work. ;]
Too dark.... You can tell what your focusing on but the focal point is too erm... idk dark. Also, it needs just a little more color variation
I love you jesus! Tell God to give me a cookie pl0x
Well these are other grandparents... 45 minutes til christmas for you?
Nah... atm I am at grandparents and I have to eat so brb in like ten minutes? maybe... I have to go to church too at like 7 so idk =[
Its like a DVD/CD thing.... Its tight though... Almost as tight as her pants... (I know... there a pain in the ass to get into ;])
How'd you get banned last night
I hope you know I'm jk'n with you.... i wish though
The Final Riot I'm gonna capture it all once I get home and put it on Youtube
Yeah especially the part in the concert when she takes her shirt off
lol that kid is like all serious and mad at me and I'm just like w.e.... Read his profile for a possible lol
Its like a live cd of them with videos and crap... I liek it a lot
Lol at your accent
I love you!!!!!!!!!! And I think \he does/ too =p
OH mah gawd!!!!!!!!!! I got the Paramore Final Riot thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like watching haley williams.... =]
I liek cowboys
Same to you, good sir ;]
no u.