Like a month ago...
I don't have the ****ING map!!!!!! I gave it to Picceta.
I also added a guy that is whering recon. GT=DarkTiest He will play a few games on our map so we can take some awsome screenshots.
Sure you can check my write out for the post. But at the top of the post I need to explain that the High Voltage help and Suggestion thread...
I apologized to Drak. I am so pissed at my mom now. He is still creator and I DO NOT ASK YOU FOR TIPS!!!!!!! I learned my lesson whenmaking...] I just asked for you to test again.
Blaze, you did an excellant job!!!!!!!!!!!! I played a game of CTF, TS and KOTH played awsomely! Great job man. I will run through some more...
Discoll, isn't that a map? Just isn't the same as Lockout... but its still good lol
I need more testers for High Voltage. Can you be on and test it with me tomorrow? Preferably tomorrow night?
I just got High Voltage back from Blaze. He did the spawns and cover. The map plays AMAZING now. It is epic...
I sent it to you. GT= GD BlueDevil Not GD27BlueDevil
Can I test it with you? I have seen Ivory Snake's new map that wasn't announced in this thread. It is awsome and will be entered into Atlas....
LOL!!!!!! you didn't accept my FR!!! That R givzor me sadface :-(