PLEASE tell me you saved a version of Adrenaline!!!! Did you? I just got the red ring and I don't want my work to be lost.
I am sending that message to sdrak also. I'll see if he could get a skilled person to do the spawns. I'll also tell him to do the goals when he...
Pay yuour friend to use his xbox now. Then do the spawns. Or don't. Spam Shock Theta's vsiter profile (or another guy who is a master at...
The most awsome thing just happened. I HAZ RED RING!!!! But its KK. The map is 24 on my fileshare. So you need to get Shock to do the...
I allready have some pics but there not updated. They are from the time when we still had the merge with the crane. I get 3 or 4 more when I get...
Allright. When I get home from school today.
Just send Shock Theta a visiter message on his profile saying to do the spawns points and spawn areas for High Voltage. The slayer, One flag and...
Blaze you didn't mention High Voltage!!! And Ivory's map is indeed pretty cool.
Dude. He was on but he didn't reply. He alwase ignores me. Damn it. So I need YOU to send him a message telling him to do the spawns. And...
DL it yet? Oh and I did the geomerging with the back alley on High Voltage. Not Blaze. I read your reply to the Merging without doors...
Been there done that!!! I remember when you showed me this the other day!! You said you weren't going to post it though. You said you couldn't...
Can I see your new mapzor?
I'm having a huge party too!! Its called a bar mizvah and its Jan 24!! I got a bunch of people from my school going and I'm going to take some...
Happy day after birthday!! LOL
Its taking Shock a long time. I can't message him if he is not on Forgehub. I will give him one more dayand if he is not on FH by then, you will...
Damn. I couldn't get the screenshots today.
Just move it back so you can't get in it through the walls.
How do you make spoilers for signatures?
Oops. I am going to the gym now. Tell me what you need and I'll tell you how to fix it.
In a couple of minutes. Just got to eat dinner.