Sorry dude. With both my xbox and Blaze's xbox having the red ring, things have been very wild. Since neither Blaze or BlazeIsGod have xboxs,...
Change of plans. Shock is oing to recommend the map to sdrakulich. Not you. Get an xbox Saturday and I will try to do the same.
How do you like this description for High Voltage?: This powerplant as well as many others are needed to power The Ark with the electricity it...
I was one of the few lucky people who got a game on it via sdrakulich. Everything was beatiful and Team Doubles was the best I've ever played...
Thankyou dude. But I got the red ring yesterday and I will get my xbox back in 2 weeks. Recommend it to BlazeIsGod. Not me. I appreciate it.
Devinish's post confuses me, drakulich... everybody. I don't know where to begin and I just got the red ring so I have to send my xboxback and...
Yes. Both me and Blaze did. But neither of them worked well and could support 2 vs 2 but not evan close to 4 vs 4. And it is a somewhat large...
Thank you. Every thing about the map is perfect. We just need the spawns. I just got the red ring (conveniently) so if you could possably do it...
What areyour ideas for the map?
Make sure you add another row of boxes or something so you can't break the map. Right now you can get out with a simple grenade jump. The...
Al right... I fixed it. I realize ATLAS isn't taking MLG maps. I was origonally going to make 2 versions. 1: asymetrical MLG map 2: same map...
? which thing is the harddrive?
How?? This could really help. Will it destroy my xbox or the xbox I am switching it into? Can you explain the process? Or show me a youtube...
I would be glad to but I need an xox first!!
Is there anyway to bring your harddrive to another xbox or something? I started another map called Adrenaline that I will enter into Atlas and I...
You better have given a pmp nmd slkbk a lot of credit because you based this entire map off his work. I don't see the use for a switch anyway....