Pretty nice map, very clean i will tel you that. I played around in it a bit and it was quite fun, i didnt have any friends to play it with but i...
Hmm, yes, it is a bit early for a V2... I can see that you added more stuff to the map, but i just find the lots of the stuff forged on the map...
Well its looks ok, although i think that the map is WAY too small. I think you should add more stuff along with taking off that hornet. If its an...
LOL! Amazing, im Canadian and sad we dont get something like this, but... WOW. Gotta say this look pretty good, and jeez, everything merged? Must...
Looks great. I just played another mongoose course today and it was really fun so i cant wait to try this one out. Looks like there are some...
Hmmm.... Pretty unique racing idea although i think more esthetics would be nice. The dinosaur in the center looks quite nice and same goes for...
Looks quite nice, and like some others said it looks more like a rollercoster map. Looks pretty fun and i will have to give it a download. Also...
Looks quite good and the map looks fun. The starting point looks quite unique, looks like there is a little box to watch in... Also like the first...
Hmm... A rollercoaster map? I`ll give it a try since these kind of race tracks are pretty fun. Some parts looks a bit too bumpy but im sure that i...
Hmm... Looks like a pretty fun puzzle map. The map looks pretty well made and the forging looks quite neat. I dont know how easy this puzzle will...
Hmmm... Fro mthe looks of it the map looks pretty well thought out and well put together. Gameplay looks like it could be fun on the map looks...
Loved ice cream man, im guessing i will love this too. I know that remaking this map has been done before but this looks great. Adding items was a...
Well from what i see the map looks nice although you dont really show much of the map, or is that it? From what i see its just one tiny enclosed...
Ha... Total win. This map is awesome... Besides the fact that its totally original, the map looks really great. Nice job.
Well for your first map here i got to say, great job! Some of the forging isnt top notch although i have to say lots of it is. I really love the...
Yea i know that was what i was thinking. But since my rocket racing map with guardians on worked out so well, i just dont know what to do.
Well i dont really get the map since there isnt much of a description, although the map looks very neat and well made. I really like the the...
Well... I really think that this map has be posted before, and this one has no differences... Its also a rip off of close the door, except very...
Great map mini waz. I have to say that i really like the layout of this map along with the forging, which by the way is great. Gameplay looks fun...
Not really the best... Considering the fact that you have stolen half of the original map Bull Fight... As for the part of the map you didnt...