Looks pretty good. Some of the jumps are pretty simple. Some of the stuff on the map also looks kinda confusing, such as the mancannon jump, some...
Great map remake. Got to say that this is one of the best remakes i have seen. Nobody can really perfect some of these structures, but i find that...
Looks quite nice fro mthe pics and video. The human spawn looks aesthetically nice. More of a description of the map would be nice, such as...
Hey Ninji, if your reading this join my jumping group i made ;D
Did you not just post this? Why did you close your other thread, just ask a mod to move it. Next tiem dont double post your map. As for the map it...
Wow, your smart. This thread is an idea for a map full of jumping mini games, the other thread is different. Maybe you should learn how to read.
Thanks for trying to help. But the guy the stole my account has stolen my recon and my pride... Im going to get him back, but not yet. I will just...
Very nice map. The design and aesthetics are nice. I played this and it was very fun with my friends. I found that putting the ghost out there was...
Hey guys i was thinking of a 1v1 jumping map but im not sure if i should go through with it. The point of the map wont be to kill eachother but to...
The map looks quite good. I see that this is a puzzle map. You should really give a description of the map and give more screenshots. Although fro...
The map is mainly meant for jumpers, if you were one you would know that there would be ghost jumps, slide jumps, sling shots, bunny hops and many...
Hey guys, i just starting working on a little jump map i thought up. Basically im going to have a series of mini jumps which you can challenge...
I really thought that the old version was good... But this one looks even better. I did quite like the tree quite structure in the center and im...
Ha, love the idea. I actually played something like this before, although there were not items flying at you. Pretty good job for originality....
Ahh.. Saw this in map preview section and i have to say the whole game looks quite tactical and well forged. Covenant place looks quite good along...
Very nice, very nice. I remember seeing this in map preiviews, gotta say its very impressive. The whole place looks very nice and smooth, i still...
Well as a Guerilla here at forgehub i was expect you to know how to post maps. You cant give a directl ink from your bungie profile. You have to...
Well for one thing, you double posted your map and should get a mod to block the other one. Also this isnt really MLG, most MLG maps are...
Hey dude, and welcome to ForgeHub, first off map sounds pretty cool, also your pics dont work. Here is a guide on getting your screenshots right,...
Ahh.. I remember playing this a whiles back with friends. Its was really fun and the entire track is really smooth, not to mention that awesome...