You know i remember me playing paintball long time ago. and it was one of the most fun slayer games i have ever played. and this map looks all too...
No pics, no download or comment. sry :(
Well.... im very impressed. All that interlocking and balancing for the gameplay to be good like you say in 6 hours. not to bad!
OK then? what about the Orignal point i brought up? he siad its his friends map, and they did not even steel the idea. they just remade it. now...
Hes right. let him off.... its a diff map. And he did not say that it was his or his freinds original idea. Just a reamake.... Btw, You are...
no it is not bro. i dont remeber the frist one having a wallcorner as a hallway when it frist came out. and if he siad his freind made it not too...
askar, I honestly think that it is fine too remake other maps as long as you do NOT say that it was your idea of the map, and if it is built by YOU.
Wait, I was looking at your party details, and im a little Lost. I thought i saw you playing a map that had a name like a journey but was not any...
Amazing e-nuff, I think this could be the frist vip game i would like and enjoy. You got a nice idea with a good setup for the gametype. Nice Job!
Dont Repost! Edit Please :)
Change the pics to 640/480
Nice placement with the objects. And the wepon table is very uniqe. For a map on HG it's not to bad.
The Last Building Man-Kinds Last Hope Is In This Only Standing Building. [IMG] Five years after the out break of the D-VIRUS, mankind had...
The Zombies are no shileds with 50% damege resistince with humans having 110% damage. This way is how it all evens out.
yo ill help you with your new map. you can add me as tbs foundationz if i dont add you soon. ill show you meny great maps iv made
Red Zone [IMG] The Bio: [spoiler] The map Red Zone is a map based off of defending for your own life in a huge house loaded with lots of guns...
Well i might just do that. But thats after i finish my 5th map. I have like 3 maps to post :/
it's called "The Study".
Sorry for the defect. The screen shots are ready too be looked at. :)
The Infected Cave! The Back Story: One week ago a little girl went missing while playing in a cave 10 minuets away from a small town near yellow...