The house seems a bit small imo, but i see some nice ideas and well forged spots. The grave yard look interesting. I see coils under the pallets...
Dude what is the point in saying such a comment??? tbh I think the map could be done beter like in a v2, but i mean come on the idea is just...
Sweet bro, this map looks like it plays a whole new find of fun. Nice job with the map/game.
Wow just perfect. very nice interlocking and smoth looking feel.
Well very nice park tbh. you seem like you have great ideas, and with that out came a UbEr ProZ0r skate map.
lol the video is just epic, but for the map, this catapult, its cool imo. i would not say it is as complex as the frist one on sandtrap, but it...
Well for me the pics are fixed, so with that being said the map looks a little unorignal because of the other dunk hunt maps. But i can still see...
Also when taking screen shots, try not too take them while you are i forge mode or in the forge ball. The tear drops show, and when it shows you...
Sorry about that wrath issue, and i know it is a big deal. sadly i fixed it but did not get the link here on this page. i well set up the link in...
looks fun too play. nice job
More pics!!!! ARE HERE!
looks nice. tbh u did good with the merging, and it looks like it plays well.
Nice map bro. 4/5
sorry that theres not enough pic/info too presentate, but it was 2:30 in the morning when i did every thing. im sorry for the lack of pics/info...
they are two diffrent maps that are not even near the same that i posted on the same night. No problom. the map is made too be played on...
Thats the point. want you too dl too find out. :P
Building Arise! More pics! [IMG] This Big Bad Building is based for the normal Zombies games for your enjoyment. My new map "Building Arise"...
Foundationz Bunk (Update)! Foundationz Bunk updated I decided to update all my maps for the better of game play , and I'm starting with this map....
I dont think ill download with such a negitive comment with no description. Welcome too forgehub btw.
Once agian another person that dose not have any idea what hes talking about. thier is merging in the map. and the nagitive comments have got to...