On one hand, we have Shanon: a sociable, skilled, sexy Persian prince. Then there's MY face: [IMG]
A guy tried to show it to me a few years ago. I thought it was terrible, and not funny at all.
"Creepy" has so many subtly different interpretations.
What are you talking about exactly?
YouTube - Hanna (2011) - Trailer #2 [HD]‏ YouTube - Real Steel Trailer- May 2011‏
YouTube - Real Steel Trailer- May 2011‏ YEAH!
If anyone is eagerly awaiting a retraction or a public statement from Harold Camping, don't hold your breath. The guy is in hiding apparently, the...
You know, if we killed QKT within a week, he'd never turn 19? Just throwing it out there. So uh, I guess just digest that. Think about that, I'lll...
If you find any cool links, post them Camo. YouTube - May 21 rapture: Apocolypse WOW!‏
I thought this was funny. (Spoiler, I suppose)
Tell me about it. Wait, let me tell you about it.
Let the mockery of theists begin. I do wonder if this is whole thing is a desperate bid for attention for his dying religion, or if it's just...
YouTube - 500 Days Of Summer - You Make My Dreams‏ Who am I kidding, you've already seen 500 Days of Summer.
Portal 2 is worth getting, but even if you don't get it, trade Brink in. While it's still worth something.
If you want to see creepy, you should hang around at the park behind Camo's house at night.
Don't lie Shanon, lol.
So they hadn't finished downloading?
It says the first three episodes have finished. 106 is still being uploaded though.
If you want Somewhere, you need to free up drop box space.
YouTube - Raw Video: Tool Bag Lost During Space Walk