Not gonna get you a diamond ring, that sorta gift don't mean anything...
I have a feeling that if I ever ate at any of those fast-food outlets, my heart would explode. Since when did you guys have a black belt in...
It was a team effort.
Tell them if they wanted to give dental advice, they should have dropped out of medical school with all the other dentists.
Remember how awesome RST was? Man, that guy was so funny, he could make me laugh and laugh. Unlike this 'Wings of Icarus' tool. You would have...
There's this chain called McDonalds. I don't know if you guys have it over there.
I don't think I'll have enough time to do it, I haven't even started.
YouTube - Your Opinion Man‏ The Great Gatsby - For Nes As I was checking it out the librarian took it off me because it was under...
Modern Warfare 2 was great, but I remain sceptical of any game made by Raven Software and a talent-stripped Infinity Ward.
God you people are boring.
Make out with a poster of Freddie Mercury or Randy Jones then cry deeply, RST.
I am bored. Entertain me.
The first season made it seem like the show was going to go to bold and interesting places, then it didn't. I ended up stopping midway season 4....
Looks better than Green Lantern I suppose.
I keep trying to change it, it always reverts back to normal though.
Ahhh, I heard about that. Can only a moderator change it back?
I only just noticed my custom titles have disappeared, what happened?
It's Brian Krause. He was in an episode of Castle. I knew he seemed familiar.
I think I recognise the actor who plays that guy.
It's not that he's been in bad films, it's that he's a bad actor. Much like Keanu Reeves.