Dingoes are too Frisky.
Cooler than a Wolf? Wolves? I don't think so.
[IMG] The Trick is to keep them away from evolutionary stones.
No more rappers, "niggaz" or gif images. Stanley especially.
Asteroid Blues is my favourite first episode of any series.
It's not going to be free eventually. Free DLC for everyone, are you kidding me?. If Activision is satisfied with the number of players who...
The shtick gets old after a while. A lot like Scrubs I guess.
The season 2 end episodes are all "writer's strikey". It gets a little better than a lot worse.
Whenever I see a picture of Chuck, all I can think about is Gaz Coombes. [IMG] [IMG]
What's forge hub favourites? Yes, seriously.
Of all the fictional detectives, Tusk chooses the worst.
Are all black people that boisterous?
YouTube - Elliott Smith 2:45 AM‏
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Look at us laughing.
YouTube - Wrecked Revenge Revisited‏ I wish that trailer didn't make the game look so boring.
Ever since Jesse was on T.V he thinks he's too good for me or something.
Dream a little smaller next time.
I haven't watched Se7en, but it has one of the most iconic endings of all time, so if you don't want to know how the film ends, I wouldn't tell...