Why is the middle finger censored too? Its not like we don't know what it looks like. o and **** just broke my 666 post count
oh **** i do lol ty for reminding me
you brought bears into the forums!!! but really it was another anchorman line
Some people might comeback to foundry sometimes just for a change of scenery. But i do agree foundry will be lost when this new one comes out.
You all (Except Soggy) are here by now labeled as traitors of microsoft! O and btw is there a way to make the ipod unfreeze or do i just let it die?
lol when im old enough im gonna change my name to Xx Coaxxxe 420 xX
You hear that? thats just great, you just put the entire forums in jeporady. o and the bear doesnt look like a bear.
My friend's gamertag has snipeman in it evan though he's a sword ***** in halo 3 and uses RPD in cod4 I Am Yo Papi is another one of my friend's...
didn't want to flood the halo discussion anymore so i posted it here: [IMG] It was on H.B.O. What do you guys think? is it about the halo movie or...
Well im sure their parents are proud of them.
In heaven. Lol it went from a basement to someone's dream house turned into a office.
Wow most of the deformities i seen come from india, but that's just ****ed up