Could you please make me a sig? Halo Flood themed, and please have a pic of MC in there please. Thanks in advance.
Awesome. It is the best objective map I have ever seen. Great interlocking, great layout. 5/5.
Looks great. One of your best maps yet.
Looks awseome. Cool map, cool game.
Great. Innovative, nice interlocking, great map overall. 4/5
What the?!?!? Get out of my house! And gimme those chips...
Great. An indoor and outdoor feel, right inside Foundry. Terrific, bloody good job. ~/5! (Infinity out of five, for those who don't understand)
Don't mind if I do! (Cracks open a 6-Pack, sits down and belches)
Awesome. This is the best race map I've ever seen. It looks so good. Great interlocking, great idea, just plain great. You really gave it 200%....
It looks okay, but I prefer the story to the map.
Welcome to Forgehub! I hope to see more maps from you in the future. Now to the review... Looks good, 4/5 for originality, 3/5 for gameplay, 3/5...
Just remember to do them by tomorrow, or else... [IMG]
Nice, It looks big enough to be worthy of the sniper. Great!
I didn't know it was a train when I built it either, but what else could it be?
What do you mean? I don't even know how to do that. I don't understand how the whole rep system works. I just wanted to show Forgehub's community...
Actually, the truck is absolutely stable. Until it blows up. Even then though, it respawns stable. So there. And I think we have all gotten over...
Oh, the interlocking is there. It doesn't need interlocking certain areas. It gives it a home styled look in places.
This is a proper repost of my map. Sorry if the images are a bit small. Plays well with Slayer, and Team Slayer. Weapons: Sniper Rifles 5x...
Oh, it plays well for FFA, and Team Slayer. BTW, I have tried uploading the pics every way I know how. Please help.
Actually, the pics aren't working for me. I insert them, then they don't show up. Thanks for the tip, and the intro. But do you have a reason for...