It appears you've misunderstood me throughout this entire thread. I never thought the child being killed was funny. That's how I deal with these...
I think they would've done better singing **** in a Box. Fits their voices more.
You need to learn something here. It's not just me, the entire world is messed up. Well, maybe not the entire world, but a good portion. There are...
Most people don't own a PS3 on FH. I do think it looks interesting, but I'm not dying to get my hands on it or anything.
Would've been better if the two guys singing didn't sound so white.
I'm confident that we will get an Halo RPG someday. As awful of an idea it is, it will happen. ****, we'll probably get Guitar Hero: Halo eventually.
I believe Mass Effect 2 was always planned on being released in 2010. There was never anything that lead us to believe otherwise. I'll check up on...
Well, I'd like to think that I am firm in my beliefs and morals while still remaining flexible and understanding of other people's ideas. However,...
It's anime. What do you expect?
I've learned during my time here on the interwebz that nobody is ever willing to change their opinion and succumb to another person's. With that...
But they have added it in. BFMV did a song in GH:WT and the song Visions was in RB2. They've also had screamo DLC packs for both the games.
I don't think there's reason to blame anyone. Sure, it was a terrible thing that she did, but she obviously isn't right in the head and has...
It doesn't keep them from putting it in a game, but it keeps them from making an entire game dedicated to it. Even if it did even out and Screamo...
I don't think there's even an expected release window for Diablo 3. I'd say probably Fall 2010. Although, I have no idea how far into development...
Because Screamo/Death Metal is like the least popular genre of music and sales would suck.
Well, no, I doubt it was the sole reason for any of these delays. It just made delaying the games just that much easier.
No I can't. And while I may not know that's the reason, I'm sure that was in the back of almost everyone's heads when they decided to delay the games.
There's alot of speculation that it will get pushed, but who knows.
Wow, this is the first video that really has me genuinely pumped to play this game. Looks like I'll enjoy the story and the way it's told alot...
Well if you played you would know. Most songs these days focus on voice rather than guitar. Alot of songs that would be used for the game would be...