please tell me you didn't click that link
Can you please check this account for being a possible proxy account. It's highly suspicious imo. Forge Hub - View Profile: Payback Is A *****
I did just about all of your reported posts. Don't fret gui.
I totally understand, respect, and agree with your previous response to me. Yet, I personally don't get any pleasure out of infracting anyone,...
Dude I fully explained to him for like five minutes what he had done wrong, he didn't understand why he received it, I explained it more, and he...
what are you talking about dude?
The OP only needs one post to tell him how to fix his problem, not eight. Thread will remain locked. Hugh I suggest you take up on these...
I've actually watched a moron streaming himself using the infinite grenade launcher in matchmaking on ustream.
Hopefully you realized now that nobody has any mods activated.
I suggest you discontinue typing upside down. Some mods feel that it can be infraction worthy in some situations. Just thought you ought to know....
I would really love to have Forge in MW2, it would make the lifetime of the game last longer indefinitely and make the game play experience expand...
Hopefully you guys realize that nobody is boosting. After the update to patch up glitches a couple of days ago, their was some sort of glitch in...
This has to be at least the third duplicate thread of mine.
Not all people who happen to play these glitched matches are purposely trying to play these matches. It happens in almost every play list and...
I understand totally man. Don't worry too much about it.
I'm not sure man. If anything I would hold off on purchasing the 12 month, and I'd call Microsoft and see how to handle the situation. If you...
It's my opinion, I wasn't expecting anything out of this, I didn't bother to read this thread, look up other information, or anything of this...
You forgot to lock the CS thread, just letting you know...
Not to be a scrooge or anything, but that trailer didn't do anything for me. I found it quite boring and essentially all it was, was two minutes...