but 10000x bigger, yes?
YouTube - WOODKID - Iron -‏ another reason why dubstep is inferior.
how goes tusk?
[IMG] you know where it's at.
i really wish they had 32 rather than 24. three squads just isnt enough :C
they really need to drop a bomb of info sometime soon. theres barely anything that theyve revealed i didnt know before e3. i.e.: jets in MP...
needs a little more facial hair then it really is your face.
get on skype then ill start it up
alright gimme 10 get on skype
my ping is over 9000
oh sorry, welcome to mature hub. YOU MUST BE MATURE.
start him on absinthe
someone's a little defensive! you only use pinpoint weapons anyway, and you can choose to only take shots that will hit. im just mocking you for...
he's hunching for theatric effect. that means you could sit down and play it with kinect. although i dont see how you'd move around.
you can snipe? hahahahahahahaha. :P
rusty, you need to stop acting like your opinion is right and acting like everyone else is wrong. everyone else shares a similar opinion which you...
i love how the AR is a cannon in CE
[IMG] show my your wiminz camofo