Ahh yeah. Bayonetwork. Recently I hadn't liked some of Blaze's maps but this one turned me around. The first time I played I was very worried. It...
Lolol, hey hey I'm crack-a-lackin! I've had the only review in recent months. Lol, your gonna have to come down with an Iron Fist to get us back...
Yup. The Yellow. I liked the way Yellow looked on my Spartan. So, what the hay, I changed my name. Sue me.
Oh and go check the review hub and then change your custom title so Predator is spelled correctly. K thx bai. :)
Actaully Pegasi just concurred with my suggestion, but yeah same thing.
We can go to the tropics, sipping on Cloatas shorty I can take you there. Or we can go to the slums, where killas get hung shorty I can take you...
First off did you mean to mispell Predator in your custom title? Secondly I already think I mentioned you should but maybe just PM G043R about it....
Ok right now I'm caling I get to review Paragon but TD Harding. K? Thx Bai.
I really enjoyed this map. I didn't go too much for Renegade, bt this one was really cleanly made and everything was perfect. Firstly, the...
All I can say right now is finally. I have wondered when you were going to finish this. I remember awhile ago when you showed me this in early...
Well then...
And if it does...
Yeah, i dont think itll trun out too similar to Turbine.
Once a forgehub staff member, now a *look below* as to quote Dragoncoals.
Not on ur way up the ranks, ur stuck, oh and you cant tell me that about the MLG comment because I meant it, y do you think you know my meaning. I...
I dont rly care. But oh no, the ranking system isnt flawed. It is actually quite accurate. If you cant get hgiher than a 47, it probably means you...
These are the people I invited. Halostriker-No Show, G043R-No Show, Gunslinger-No Show, Haruki-No Show. The people that did show were Blood Fire,...
Oh and lol dude, yet again I bring up that u arent higher than me in dubs. And u couldnt get a 50 in SAWAT urself. Rofl ur arguments dont make sense.
but how much does it look like it? ill show u what ive done tommorrow then tell me