[IMG] Look closesly, Sir... Lul, failure on your part my good man.
..:: ToXiiCz ::.. has not received any visitor messages. Oh ****, wait...
Oh, this message is just for LOLs after seeing the shoutbox. Man do I think I'm better than you, I just can't help it! [/sarcasm]
Sir, I've just noticed - your avatars backround is the same color as my profile. Scratch up another win for the Batty Tally, mirite?
Yes, it was laced with a bit of scorn for you previous actions, but it's an improvement none the less. I'm more mature than to assume victory...
I complimented you on the fact that you finally described the way you feel about 9/11 in a mature manner instead of neglecting the feelings of all...
Correct. I started this. You love to play victim, don't you? Oh... wait a minute, where have I seen that earlier than now? XD
Lol? Someone is a bit pissy after making an ass of himself on the forums, eh?
Sesame Chicken? ... What the **** kind of snack food is that?!
Ah... I see... Offbeat was the same way. Could you hand me some Swedish Fish perhaps, I'm a bit hungry?
Apparently you release "Excoriate". Strange. I was under the impression you were finished Forging and had run off to pursue you dreams as a...
Hmm. This happened, what - two, three days ago? Oh yeah, I hold a long grudge, lemme tell you.
Your profile is so lonely. D:
"Looking back though, it was an inappropriate place to put it. The victims of 9/11 didn't deserve what happened to them, I just feel the response...
Boy, I've owed you a post on this for a very long time. I finally went to check out the map today, and was impressed; you've definitely grown...
Darn you Bhuddacrane! After all this time, after all this wonderful splendid time I find out Breakneck is breakable. At least tell me, is it...
tl;dr Or should I actually read it?
That Satan guy below me has such a ****ing ironic name, rofl. Tex is catching up, start spamming buddy.
Do you fight for your friends? ^ Oh my goodness Ivory, you just brought back a great memory from my old GFaq days, positive rep is in order. On...