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Diz to da funk. Colour is vital The text on "memories" clashes with the picture imo.
Pretty much.
No, "I am Bad Company!", is getting all of the trophies, patches, and wild cards from Bad Company's multiplayer. All 120 of them.
An administrator has to do it.
You experience different things when being a mod, and I just wanted to lead a normal lifestyle here. =\
I was. I wanted to go back to being a normal member.
Oh wow Shad0w, you weren't kidding. This is where I congratulate you for getting a feature, though Project X should have been featured long ago....
I wonder if the killball is a moveable object, or not. Hopefully it is =D
-__- You're an idiot. Simple as that. You need to stop flaming a developer who is GIVING you more content. You should be happy if anything, but...
4 Months 3 Weeks 2 Days City of Men Funny Games Up the Yangtze Boy A The Edge of Heaven Lost In Beijing The Class Flight of the Red Balloon...
No I don't hate it, though I think it was overrated compared to a lot of other 2008 films.
It's also amazing how everyone overrates it.
Say urk, what happens to be the budget for Sandbox? Or is that secret until we get our hands on it?
-__- I'm disappointed in you.
Haha, nice. Remixing is okay.
I was contemplating it for a long time. Now that a whole bunch of members are doing, I wanted to jump ship too.
Though, have you given it much thought, rather than to dismiss it immediately just because of your faith? I can name a large amount of catholic...