Psst, you're missing a letter in your signature. It's near the end of the txt.
Your only sense of evidence, or backing is the christian bible, which in itself is a book of fairy tales. To believe in a divine and supernatural...
Hey bud, your signature is above the allowed limit. Please reduce your signature dimensions to 200 pixels by 500 pixels or smaller. Thanks.
1. I love bears 2. The name 3. Music tastes I can go on.
Oh. Oh wow.
Sure. Also, I reserved a copy of Halo Wars: LE last night.
I call dibs! Sandbox tremors would be great.
Do you think that entering the kill ball would kill you if you had invincibility on?
The kill-ball hasn't been confirmed as an immovable object yet, or at least I haven't heard any news of it being immovable.
And to think that the claims of elitism were true.. =P
Lol! Are you making a reference to Sapphire? Because you just described every detail of it. xD
Heh, did anyone notice the amount of moveable objects? It is pretty slim =\ Oh well, more for geometry!
Do we still get eight tele-porters of each type? Heh. I remember back when that was found. Wasn't that like, late April?
Food for thought: What is going to happen to the "Non-foundry" tag in the maps forum once Sandbox is released to the public?
I went to the holocaust museum in Washington D.C., and there was a sock monkey in a display case. Just thought I'd let you know that you are part...
I know right? Lol!
You should have a nobel prize just for that avatar. You absolutely win at anything and everything conceivable.
Maybe, why?
Lol! I really angered you apparently. Control yourself, instead of going straight to insults in your glorious comeback. Your argument doesn't...
I'm hoping that Longshore is Relic. =]