Much thanks.
Waitwut? OH Yea, but really only to a few people. I currently reside in a Mormon town =X It's much easier to be open over the net because of...
Skype? Screen name = chipsinabox.
I just wasn't happy to see people disregard my request. Sorry for the censor then.
Sorry, I just had to share.
Three men of a specific race jump of a cliff. Who wins? Society.
I kindly asked for everyone to stop the discussion. Whatever.
Cryptfreaks >_>
Either you're lying, or you're VERY good at buttering up people. =P
Again? Must I need to go on another rampage? Whom do I yell at now?
Haha, thanks for the sandwich.
Wait, so what version is this Ivory? Did you put down any dual-wieldable weapons in this version?? Oh ****, I need content for this post. YOUR MAP...
Maybe the skull will be on the ground floor, near one of the obelisk/tower things, so you need to find a way to get around the beams 0_o
It was confirmed in an interview.
Very sweet. I can imagine a lot of people making sky bases w/ hornets, etc..
You shouldn't of said anything. lol, Sapphire v2 on sandbox ftw!