So how's your EAG quest coming along?
Never mind. The friends page on is down..
Yea, and I'm VERY happy that I went RROD. Tell him that I got my friend code. I'll sign into live via and give it to him :|
Is Shadow still on Live, playing pokemon? I got to a wifi spot.
Gracias senor. ^ Should clear things up a bit :]
I'm kidding :] Anyway, I'll just repeat what Tex said. Welcome to the ForgeHub forums, and I hope you enjoy your time here. We have quite the...
Welcome to hell. :D
What's up with a normal member in the moderators box?
Lol, I tried to make a transition from cat to butterfly.
For some freak reason, I mistook you for Debo. o_0
How's the zombie map coming along?