Enlighten me further on the situation please.
No. I think it'll be fine at this point.
Being the person who started that charade, I'd like to also thank you for your time & effort to address us individually, and as an adult.
Hello ther.
I will get back to your re-working of the letter when I get done with class. I just stopped online for a minute to see if their was any updates....
I mean this: I apologize, I didn't realize this would turn into such an ordeal. I don't care to fight over something so damn silly, please...
It's a joke man...That is all...
Ya, I don't know what mistake you're talking about either.
the part about the being on the **** list. i don't think i read it wrong. when i say calm down, i am talking more about the whole ordeal, versus...
calm down dude, you're going to end up hating everyone on forge hub over something that, I don't quite get what upsets you.
Actually, you do. =/
That wasn't so hard, was it? =P
omg fine
blogger.com =] I've been getting into writing what comes to my mind while I am in certain moods. I love it, because it's so much more free-flow...
Someone provided proof in the thread, so it's k. Also, my point was, make sure you have proof before infracting. That way, you can infract AND...
Yup, exactly. I was retired, and like "grrr i want to infract that newb cuz he r spammin" but couldn't. So, screw retired, I'll hand out...
lol, well, i had to get away from it. I feel much happier with just the pub.
Stealing maps is impermissible. Anyone and everyone caught in map theft will be dealt with. :lock: Thanks to those who brought forth the evidence.
You weren't there for the meme, were you? D= Anyways, how's the ol' staff forum going? Still overly-dramatic?